  • Opening hours

    MON - FRI: 8:00 - 18:00

    SATURDAY: 8:00 - 14:00

Easter decorations – Spring – The new collection

Every year, with happiness and enthusiasm we welcome the spring. Each next one is foreshadowing a season full of new colours, smells and sounds.

Easter decorations – spring catalog” is a collection of selected articles, which are made for creating unique atmosphere in your house and garden. Diversity of shapes, materials and colorings make that our products fit into every style, they are not only beautiful, but practical too.

Before Easter there is going to be traditionally the reign of encrusted Easter Palms. Variety of baskets and small baskets will allow to prepare original centerpieces. Solar lamps, candles and lanternswill add shineto every moment and Easter symbols in the form of figures, pendants and other decorations make that you will want to stop holiday cheer for much longer.

We warmly encourage you to look over our catalog and discover new a new face of tradition:: https://chomik.pl/nasza-oferta/wielkanoc/